Microsoft Enterprise Agreement Alternative

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If you`re looking for a cost-effective Microsoft licensing solution for your enterprise, you may want to consider alternatives to the Microsoft Enterprise Agreement (EA). While the EA has long been a popular option for businesses, it may not be the best fit for every organization. In this article, we`ll explore some of the best Microsoft Enterprise Agreement alternatives available.

Why Consider Alternatives to the Microsoft Enterprise Agreement?

While the EA can offer some benefits, such as predictable software licensing costs, it may not be the best fit for every business. For instance, the EA`s minimum purchasing requirement of 500 licenses may be too high for smaller organizations. Additionally, the EA`s three-year commitment may not be feasible for companies with fluctuating software needs or those looking for more short-term licensing solutions.

Top Alternatives to the Microsoft Enterprise Agreement

1. Microsoft Products and Services Agreement (MPSA)

The Microsoft Products and Services Agreement (MPSA) is a flexible licensing agreement that allows companies to purchase software licenses and cloud services on a pay-as-you-go basis. This agreement is designed to be more agile than the EA, with no minimum purchase requirement and the ability to add or remove licenses as needed. The MPSA can also be used to purchase software licenses for on-premises deployment or cloud-based subscriptions.

2. Open Value

Open Value is a Microsoft licensing program that offers similar benefits to the EA, such as predictable software licensing costs and volume discounts. However, Open Value is more flexible than the EA, with a one- or three-year commitment and the ability to add or remove licenses as needed. Additionally, Open Value may be a better fit for smaller organizations, as there is no minimum purchasing requirement.

3. Cloud Solution Provider (CSP)

The Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) program is an alternative licensing solution for organizations that want to leverage Microsoft`s cloud-based services. With the CSP, companies can purchase cloud services and software licenses on a pay-as-you-go basis, with no minimum purchase requirement. This program also offers more flexible licensing terms than the EA, with the ability to add or remove licenses as needed.

4. Select Plus

Select Plus is a Microsoft licensing program that offers volume discounts and predictable licensing costs. While similar to the EA, Select Plus is more flexible, with shorter licensing terms and the ability to purchase licenses from multiple vendors. Additionally, Select Plus may be a better fit for smaller organizations, as there is no minimum purchasing requirement.


While the Microsoft Enterprise Agreement may be a popular licensing option for some businesses, there are many alternatives available that may better suit your organization`s needs. Whether you`re looking for more flexibility, a more agile licensing solution, or a lower minimum purchasing requirement, there is likely an alternative licensing program that will fit your needs. So, take the time to explore your options and choose the best Microsoft licensing solution for your enterprise.